
What The Health Debunked | Sarah Grace Fitness

Make Sure You Subscribe! things first, I'm obviously not a doctor and not trying to give anyone medical advice. That being said, I hate seeing people being misled by someone else's agenda and it's time to speak up.

What The Health is a documentary about becoming vegan. It does shine some light on the TERRIBLE practices of factory farming and how bad that food is for you... but fails to discuss the other options to factory farmed meat. Their solution is to convince us all to stop eating meat all together instead of trying to educate us on what kind of meat we should be eating and where we can get it.

Yes, factory farming is bad, yes there are meats that are being classified as carcinogens and I am SO glad they bring these topics up. It's the factory farming and processed foods that are causing our nation's health issues. Have you ever wondered how we were able to live for THOUSANDS OF YEARS eating animal protein?

Ever wonder why it wasn't until the 50's (when we started mass producing food and factory farming became much more popular) that the majority of our population started to get unhealthy and overweight?

It's not because we ALL OF THE SUDDEN started eating meat... we didn't start seeing a spike in heart disease and other issues because we suddenly started eating meat. No - the quality of the meat went down.

So I shot this video to go over a couple things that pissed me off about this sham of a documentary. Don't buy into the hype people!

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