
T6 ECG+PPG Blood Pressure Fitness/Health Smartband: Unboxing & Review

TOLEDATECH Company Link: Digital Technologies on Alibaba: Buying Link: Buying Link: leave a review on the Banggood product page once you have your new watch! Thanks!

This T6 smartband has been provided by Toledatech for review and offered by Banggood for purchase. Many thanks to our viewers for making this YouTube site popular and to Toledatech and BangGood for their support. If you are interested in purchasing this T6, please use the links listed above. It will help us receive more watches to review for you in the future. Thanks!


Do you remember when the first fitness bands/watches started measuring heart rate with a little green light on the back? It was subtle and crept into early devices, often with “fake” data results, but over time, and with the addition of two green diodes and an advanced sensor, heart rate data started to become something we “expected” from our fitness/“health” wearables.

This ain’t gonna creep in this time folks. It’s here with a BANG. Look for your next fitness focused divide to sport both the green diode thing and three metal plates spread between the back, sides, and front to garner what is claimed to be extremely accurate heart rate data.

Not only that, but by combining the real time readings from the two forms of biometric measurements, the ECG electrical signal from the metal plates and the PPG optical readings from the green diodes, and using advanced internal algorithms, something called a PWTT (see the last part of the video for more on this) can be computed to calculate your blood pressure and your HRV (that’s Heart Rate Variability) with, again, the claimed high accuracy.

Folks this is new. I’ve seen a couple of high priced Kickstarter and Indigogo projects on the Web (Cronovo and others) attempting to do something similar to this, but they never got off the ground, and not at a $40 price point! And this T6 is just the first to hit the market. I’m already negotiating arrangements to bring in a bunch more devices build around this same concept. Have you subscribed yet?? :)

Anyway, here we are. Make this date. October 2017 is when it all changed. Health and fitness on your arm is a reality and it won’t break the bank either.

Infinite thanks to Toleda for offering this T6 and working back an forth to get this technology real and here and now. May you sell out again and again! And folks, feel free to leave copious comments under this video for Toleda engineers and scientists to ponder. Thanks to your continued viewership, subscriptions, thumbs up and video sharing (pleeeeaaase share this one), more and more watch designers/manufacturers are looking to the comments under the reviews here of their products for information about problems and inspiration for new ideas. Please continue! We all enjoy the dialog.

Reference documents appearing in this video:

Pulse Wave Transit Time and Its Relationship with Systolic Blood cardiac health monitoring

Patent Application WO 2014042845 Due to an uploading glitch part of the audio of this video did not get transferred to YouTube. As a result, the entire video had to be uploaded again. Sorry for the confusion if you received two notifications about this video being posted.

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