
Drills to scale the press handstand Yoga and Fitness with Rhyanna Watson

Wanna learn to press into handstand? Is it a skill that seems impossible no matter how much you try? Well let’s break it down with these amazing drills. Tag a friend, start swiping and start practicing these drills to develop your full body awareness and strength for press handstand.

However what you most definitely should do if you want to press hs:

-make your handstand solid(if it isnt already), at least 30 seconds, with decent form.

-stretch to open your shoulders if they are stiff(do this anyway as it is good for you in the long run)

-stretch your pike and pancake(in hs pressing straddle is DEFINITELY more easy than pike because of the amount of forwards shoulder lean)

-work on staying in a tucked position. Meaning legs tucked in front of your body. the closer you get your knees to your chest the better.

-start doing negative hs presses. This was for me and a lot of others I know the key to getting the press. learn to go from a controlled handstand(start in straddle) and lower your legs down towards the floor while heavily shrugging your shoulders to keep them from going front. You want to roll down your hips first, and ACTIVELY compressing your abs to roll the back vertebrae by vertebrae until you get to the floor. If you feel like you will faceplant as soon as you lower start to lower the legs, it means you should work more on your handstand and work on opening your shoulders. In the beginning you will probably feel that you can lower a little, but that you fall really fast once you reach a certain point. This is normal and the ROM which you can feel the pressure will increase with time


When you can stack the shoulders properly, the push is supposed to come more from your trapezius and scapula rather than your deltoids, as your arms stay more vertical. This makes the arms into pillars which the upper body is stacked on and the legs can then more easily be lifted off.

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