
What is Yoga? Wild Geese Fitness Training

What is Yoga? Wild Geese Fitness Training

The word “yoga” essentially means, “that which brings you to reality”. Literally, it means “union.”

Yoga refers to union not as an idea, a philosophy or as a concept that you imbibe.

Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago.

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to yoke, join, or unite. The Iyengar school of yoga defines yuj as the "joining or integrating of all aspects of the individual - body with mind and mind with soul - to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life." The ultimate aim of yoga, they claim, is to reach kaivalya (emancipation or ultimate freedom).

Yoga focuses on the mind by teaching you to concentrate on specific parts of the body. For instance, you may be asked by the instructor to focus deeply on your spine, or let your mind go and have your body sink into the floor.

Yoga uses controlled breathing as a way to merge the mind, body, and spirit.

Music by: Jalandhar by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

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