
How to stop or speed up your period

Periods often occur at inconvenient times, and people may sometimes want to speed up or stop their period once it has started. There is no foolproof way to do this, but certain methods may work for some people. Hormonal contraception allows people to plan when to have a period or stop their periods permanently.

from Healthmix

What to know about Foley bulb induction

A Foley bulb induction is when a doctor inserts a small balloon into the cervix to help it dilate faster. Foley bulb induction is one of many ways to induce labor. There are few side effects and the procedure is safe for most women. Learn more about the procedure, benefits, and risks.

from Healthmix

What to know about Foley bulb induction

A Foley bulb induction is when a doctor inserts a small balloon into the cervix to help it dilate faster. Foley bulb induction is one of many ways to induce labor. There are few side effects and the procedure is safe for most women. Learn more about the procedure, benefits, and risks.

from Healthmix

Women's Health Regional Webinar Series - Contraception Update

Women's Health Regional Webinar Series

Contraception Update

Presented by:

Dr Sarah Smith – GP, Sexual Health Quarters

The ‘Women’s Health Regional Webinar Series’ welcomes three specialists to present on the latest issues in women's health.

The webinar series is organised in collaboration with Cancer Council WA, BreastScreen WA, King Edward Memorial Hospital - Women & Newborn Health Service and Sexual Health Quarters, who share an interest in providing up-to-date information about women's health to general practice.

Stop Joint Pain And Back Pain With Ease Using These - Health Tips For You

Stop Joint Pain And Back Pain With Ease Using These Home Remedies - Health Tips For You

Subscribe to Health Tips For You : us on Twitter: us on Google+: #healthtips, #healthvideos, #lifestyletips

FOX NEWS: Verity Health, hospital chain run by California billionaire, files for bankruptcy

Verity Health, hospital chain run by California billionaire, files for bankruptcy

A California hospital chain managed by Los Angeles billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong filed for bankruptcy Friday, citing mounting losses and debt, as it seeks a new buyer.


What causes itchy nipples while breastfeeding?

Itchy nipples are a common complaint, especially in the initial weeks of breastfeeding. In this article, learn about the causes of itchy nipples and breasts while breastfeeding, including thrush, a bad latch, contact dermatitis, and the let-down reflex. We also cover how to get relief at home and when to see a doctor.

from Healthmix

What causes itchy nipples while breastfeeding?

Itchy nipples are a common complaint, especially in the initial weeks of breastfeeding. In this article, learn about the causes of itchy nipples and breasts while breastfeeding, including thrush, a bad latch, contact dermatitis, and the let-down reflex. We also cover how to get relief at home and when to see a doctor.

from Healthmix

What days can you get pregnant?

Females are most fertile within a day or two of ovulation, which is known as the fertile window. Being able to calculate when the fertile window will occur may be helpful for couples trying to conceive, and for those who want to avoid pregnancy by using fertility awareness contraception. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

What days can you get pregnant?

Females are most fertile within a day or two of ovulation, which is known as the fertile window. Being able to calculate when the fertile window will occur may be helpful for couples trying to conceive, and for those who want to avoid pregnancy by using fertility awareness contraception. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

What does the LH surge mean for pregnancy?

The levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) rise just before ovulation, and the increase triggers the release of an egg from an ovary. Just after this LH surge, the most fertile period of the menstrual cycle occurs. Tracking LH levels can help to time intercourse and increase the chances of becoming pregnant.

from Healthmix

Rheumatoid arthritis and back pain

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can affect the joints in the spine, including the cervical and lumbar vertebrae. This can cause pain and stiffness in the back. In this article, we look at how people can relieve pain associated with RA in the back. We also explore the causes and symptoms of RA back pain.

from Healthmix

How to treat and prevent drool rash

It is common for healthy infants to drool during their first 18 months, especially while teething. However, saliva that comes into contact with the skin may cause irritation and lead to a red, itchy rash. Parents and caregivers can easily treat drool rash using simple home remedies. Learn more in this article.

from Healthmix

How do you treat neck pain in children?

Many cases of neck pain in children are due to muscle strain. Home remedies and lifestyle changes are often enough to help a child get relief. Applying heat, improving posture, and exercise can help. Neck pain due to an infection or injury requires a visit to a doctor. Learn more about treating neck pain in children.

from Healthmix

Mediterranean diet shown to prolong seniors' lives

An Italian study of thousands of people aged 65 and older finds that adherence to a Mediterranean diet is linked to lower risk of premature death.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: FDA warns against consuming liquid nitrogen-prepared foods

FDA warns against consuming liquid nitrogen-prepared foods

Fans of the popular Dragon’s Breath snack, the treat infused with liquid nitrogen that allows consumers to blow smoke after eating it, should think twice before consuming the controversial food, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warned on Thursday.


FOX NEWS: Peanuts and airplanes: What's the real danger?

Peanuts and airplanes: What's the real danger?

Peanuts used to be an in-flight snacking staple. So what happened?


FOX NEWS: ADHD diagnoses may be rising in US

ADHD diagnoses may be rising in US

The number of children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the U.S. appears to have increased dramatically, a new study finds.


Cancer update: Research from August 2018

In this article, we outline some of the most interesting recent findings from cancer research, covering work from a range of institutions and journals.

from Healthmix

How does generosity benefit health? Brain study sheds light

Supporting people close to you whom you know are in need affects the brain differently from more impersonal forms of help, suggests a new study.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Children should stay in rear-facing car seat 'for as long as possible,' experts say in new guidelines

Children should stay in rear-facing car seat 'for as long as possible,' experts say in new guidelines

Heads up, parents: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has updated its guidelines on how long children should stay in a rear-facing car seat.


Can cannabis be a sleep aid?

There are many potential benefits of using cannabis where the drug is legal. One of these is as a sleep aid. There are, however, things to be aware of when using cannabis as a sleep aid, including the potential for dependency. Learn more about the pros and cons of using cannabis for sleeping here.

from Healthmix

Can cannabis be a sleep aid?

There are many potential benefits of using cannabis where the drug is legal. One of these is as a sleep aid. There are, however, things to be aware of when using cannabis as a sleep aid, including the potential for dependency. Learn more about the pros and cons of using cannabis for sleeping here.

from Healthmix

What to know about brain stem strokes

The brain stem controls several vital body functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing. A blockage or bleed in the brain stem can cause a brain stem stroke and impact a person’s coordination, movement, and speech. We give an overview of brain stem strokes, including symptoms, treatments, and risks.

from Healthmix

Is it safe to take ibuprofen while breastfeeding?

Many doctors recommend that women avoid taking ibuprofen when they are pregnant, so people may wonder if this drug is safe to take while breastfeeding. In this article, learn about the safety, risks, and considerations of taking ibuprofen while breastfeeding. We also discuss other pain relievers and natural treatments.

from Healthmix

Is it safe to take ibuprofen while breastfeeding?

Many doctors recommend that women avoid taking ibuprofen when they are pregnant, so people may wonder if this drug is safe to take while breastfeeding. In this article, learn about the safety, risks, and considerations of taking ibuprofen while breastfeeding. We also discuss other pain relievers and natural treatments.

from Healthmix

A Debate Over ‘Rational Suicide’

By PAULA SPAN from NYT Health

From 0 to 10 Million: Vaping Takes Off in the U.S.


FOX NEWS: Florida pastor's wife dies from flu-related complications, family says

Florida pastor's wife dies from flu-related complications, family says

A 46-year-old mother of three died earlier this week after suffering from complications of pneumonia and the flu.


FOX NEWS: Cancer survivor uses Times Square billboard to find kidney donor

Cancer survivor uses Times Square billboard to find kidney donor

A Long Island dad and cancer survivor is searching for a new kidney at the Crossroads of the World — using a sky-high billboard paid for by a generous friend.


FOX NEWS: Cluster of HIV cases in North Seattle prompt concern of potential outbreak

Cluster of HIV cases in North Seattle prompt concern of potential outbreak

Drug use may be behind a small cluster of recent HIV diagnoses in North Seattle prompting health officials to warn about the potential for a large outbreak.


FOX NEWS: Hospital outbreak linked to eye exam killed newborn, family's lawsuit claims

Hospital outbreak linked to eye exam killed newborn, family's lawsuit claims

A lawsuit filed against the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia alleges that a contaminated eye examination that sickened 23 infants in the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit led to the death of at least one child.


You’ll Never Guess Which Company Is Reinventing Health Benefits


Psychosis: Cannabis extract normalizes brain function

New research shows that a single dose of the cannabis extract cannabidiol reduces abnormal brain activity in people with psychosis.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Man who contracted flesh-eating bacteria while crabbing has legs amputated, daughter says

Man who contracted flesh-eating bacteria while crabbing has legs amputated, daughter says

A New Jersey man who got infected with flesh-eating bacteria while crabbing in early July underwent surgery to have portions of his legs amputated Wednesday -- weeks after losing his forearms and hands, his family said.


FOX NEWS: New scan can predict your heart attack risk

New scan can predict your heart attack risk

Insight from family physician Dr. Jennifer Caudle, assistant professor at Rowan University School of Osteopathic Medicine.


What are the signs of prostate infection?

When an infection in the prostate results in inflammation, this is called bacterial prostatitis. Symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen and difficulty urinating. The infection may be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term), and a treatment plan may include medication, or surgery. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

Why is my period so light?

A light period is when someone has less menstrual blood or a shorter period than usual. Many factors can affect the flow of periods, including diet, exercise, and health conditions. Pregnancy can cause spotting, which people may mistake for a light period. Learn about the causes and symptoms of light periods here.

from Healthmix

Why is my period so light?

A light period is when someone has less menstrual blood or a shorter period than usual. Many factors can affect the flow of periods, including diet, exercise, and health conditions. Pregnancy can cause spotting, which people may mistake for a light period. Learn about the causes and symptoms of light periods here.

from Healthmix

Drills to scale the press handstand Yoga and Fitness with Rhyanna Watson

Wanna learn to press into handstand? Is it a skill that seems impossible no matter how much you try? Well let’s break it down with these amazing drills. Tag a friend, start swiping and start practicing these drills to develop your full body awareness and strength for press handstand.

However what you most definitely should do if you want to press hs:

-make your handstand solid(if it isnt already), at least 30 seconds, with decent form.

-stretch to open your shoulders if they are stiff(do this anyway as it is good for you in the long run)

-stretch your pike and pancake(in hs pressing straddle is DEFINITELY more easy than pike because of the amount of forwards shoulder lean)

-work on staying in a tucked position. Meaning legs tucked in front of your body. the closer you get your knees to your chest the better.

-start doing negative hs presses. This was for me and a lot of others I know the key to getting the press. learn to go from a controlled handstand(start in straddle) and lower your legs down towards the floor while heavily shrugging your shoulders to keep them from going front. You want to roll down your hips first, and ACTIVELY compressing your abs to roll the back vertebrae by vertebrae until you get to the floor. If you feel like you will faceplant as soon as you lower start to lower the legs, it means you should work more on your handstand and work on opening your shoulders. In the beginning you will probably feel that you can lower a little, but that you fall really fast once you reach a certain point. This is normal and the ROM which you can feel the pressure will increase with time


When you can stack the shoulders properly, the push is supposed to come more from your trapezius and scapula rather than your deltoids, as your arms stay more vertical. This makes the arms into pillars which the upper body is stacked on and the legs can then more easily be lifted off.

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Can you overdose on caffeine?

Caffeine occurs naturally in plants and is found in many foods and drinks, such as coffee, chocolate, and cola. Although too much caffeine can cause unpleasant side effects, accidental overdose is possible although rare. In this article, we look at the symptoms, risk factors, and treatment of caffeine overdose.

from Healthmix

Can you overdose on caffeine?

Caffeine occurs naturally in plants and is found in many foods and drinks, such as coffee, chocolate, and cola. Although too much caffeine can cause unpleasant side effects, accidental overdose is possible although rare. In this article, we look at the symptoms, risk factors, and treatment of caffeine overdose.

from Healthmix

What causes cramps without a period?

A variety of factors and underlying conditions can cause cramps outside of a person's regular period. These include irritable bowel syndrome, endometriosis, and pelvic inflammatory disease. In this article, learn more about the possible causes and their additional symptoms, as well as when to see a doctor.

from Healthmix

What is frontal sinusitis and what causes it?

The sinuses are cavities that produce mucus. If a person has frontal sinusitis, the cavities just behind the eyes become inflamed, and the mucus cannot drain correctly. Infections, allergies, or long-term health issues may be responsible. Here, we examine the causes of frontal sinusitis and how treatments vary.

from Healthmix

How can I get to sleep easily?

Many people struggle with falling asleep. The time it takes to fall asleep varies from person-to-person, but there are several things that people can try to make themselves fall asleep faster. Tips to fall asleep naturally include exercise and avoiding caffeine around bedtime. Learn more about ways to fall asleep here.

from Healthmix

Is there a link between acid reflux and palpitations?

Acid reflux and GERD are unlikely to cause heart palpitations directly. However, the same factors, such as eating certain foods, can trigger both acid reflux and palpitations. Acid reflux could also cause anxiety, which can lead to palpitations. Learn more about the link here, as well as how to treat palpitations.

from Healthmix

Is there a link between acid reflux and palpitations?

Acid reflux and GERD are unlikely to cause heart palpitations directly. However, the same factors, such as eating certain foods, can trigger both acid reflux and palpitations. Acid reflux could also cause anxiety, which can lead to palpitations. Learn more about the link here, as well as how to treat palpitations.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Last remaining heart transplant doctor leaves Oregon hospital

Last remaining heart transplant doctor leaves Oregon hospital

The only remaining doctor in Oregon's only heart transplant program has resigned, leaving the state with no medical facilities that can perform the life-saving procedure.


FOX NEWS: Nearly 1,400 NYCHA kids tested positive for lead

Nearly 1,400 NYCHA kids tested positive for lead

1,375 children.


FOX NEWS: Pennsylvania woman says contact lens caused rare infection that led to 'stabbing' pain, possible blindness

Pennsylvania woman says contact lens caused rare infection that led to 'stabbing' pain, possible blindness

A Pennsylvania woman is blaming contaminated contact lenses for causing a rare infection that's threatening her eyesight and causing a throbbing pain.


FOX NEWS: 11 sickened, 1 dead in New Hampshire Legionnaires' outbreak

11 sickened, 1 dead in New Hampshire Legionnaires' outbreak

Health officials in New Hampshire have confirmed 12 cases of Legionnaires’ disease, including one fatality, possibly linked to two hot tubs at two different hotels.


Opioid crisis breakthrough: Non-addictive painkiller found effective

Researchers have developed a compound that simultaneously stops the addictive action of opioids and relieves chronic pain as effectively as morphine.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: FDA warns of serious genital infection linked to certain diabetes drugs

FDA warns of serious genital infection linked to certain diabetes drugs

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said on Wednesday a serious genital infection has been reported in patients taking a certain class of diabetes drugs, with one death and 11 others hospitalized.


FOX NEWS: South Carolina student hospitalized with meningitis

South Carolina student hospitalized with meningitis

A South Carolina middle school student has been hospitalized with viral meningitis, prompting officials to send letters home to parents and order cleaning crews out of precaution.


What are symptoms of type 2 diabetes in children?

Type 2 diabetes is becoming increasingly common in children, and this is linked to a rise in obesity. However, the condition can be difficult to detect in children because it develops gradually. Symptoms, treatment, and prevention of type 2 diabetes are similar in children and adults. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

Does a faint positive line mean you are pregnant?

Home pregnancy tests can sometimes produce a faint positive result. This result often means that pregnancy has occurred, although other factors can also influence the test. Learn more about what a faint positive result means and what to do when one appears. This article also looks at when someone should see a doctor.

from Healthmix

Does a faint positive line mean you are pregnant?

Home pregnancy tests can sometimes produce a faint positive result. This result often means that pregnancy has occurred, although other factors can also influence the test. Learn more about what a faint positive result means and what to do when one appears. This article also looks at when someone should see a doctor.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Delaware reports first rabies death since 1941

Delaware reports first rabies death since 1941

Health officials say a Delaware woman has died from rabies, the first such death in the state since 1941.


FOX NEWS: Detroit schools shut off water over high levels of lead, copper

Detroit schools shut off water over high levels of lead, copper

Detroit has shut off drinking water in all public schools after officials found high levels of lead or copper in samples from 16 out of 24 schools tested.


How to spot and treat RSV in babies

Respiratory syncytial virus infection is common among babies and causes symptoms similar to a cold. Most of the time, it goes away within 1 to 2 weeks, but the virus can also cause severe problems with breathing in some cases. Learn more about the symptoms and treatment options for caregivers here.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Mom's prenatal opioids may stunt kids' learning, study finds

Mom's prenatal opioids may stunt kids' learning, study finds

Learning disabilities and other special education needs are common in children born with opioid-related symptoms from their mother's drug use while pregnant, according to the first big U.S. study to examine potential long-term problems in these infants.


FOX NEWS: Parents of 'miracle' baby: We prayed for a misdiagnosis

Parents of 'miracle' baby: We prayed for a misdiagnosis

'Miracle Matthew' defies expectations after doctors diagnosed the baby with a terminal brain condition before birth; Drew and Ariann Corpstein tell their emotional story on 'Fox & Friends.'


MS: New drug proven to slow brain shrinkage

A randomized, placebo-controlled trial shows that a new drug can reduce the atrophy of the brain, which is a hallmark of multiple sclerosis.

from Healthmix

Are red spots on the breast a sign of cancer?

There are many possible causes of red spots or a rash on the breast, including allergic reactions, infections, problems with the milk ducts, and several other skin conditions. However, red spots can sometimes be an early sign of inflammatory breast cancer or Paget’s disease of the breast. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

Are red spots on the breast a sign of cancer?

There are many possible causes of red spots or a rash on the breast, including allergic reactions, infections, problems with the milk ducts, and several other skin conditions. However, red spots can sometimes be an early sign of inflammatory breast cancer or Paget’s disease of the breast. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

Can a baby's heartbeat predict their sex?

Some people believe that the heartbeat of a fetus can indicate its sex, but no scientific evidence supports this theory. An ultrasound scan can give a good idea of the fetus' sex, but the only way to be sure is to wait until birth. We look at the science behind predicting the sex of a baby.

from Healthmix

Can a baby's heartbeat predict their sex?

Some people believe that the heartbeat of a fetus can indicate its sex, but no scientific evidence supports this theory. An ultrasound scan can give a good idea of the fetus' sex, but the only way to be sure is to wait until birth. We look at the science behind predicting the sex of a baby.

from Healthmix

What to know about chronic ear infections

Chronic, or recurring ear infections require medical attention. They are caused by a build-up of fluid behind the eardrum that persists or keeps coming back. Chronic ear infections are more common in children. In this article, we look at the types, causes, and treatments for chronic ear infections.

from Healthmix

What are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle?

People living a sedentary lifestyle spend too much time engaging in behaviors that expend very little energy. A sedentary lifestyle can cause severe health issues, including cancer, diabetes, and poor cardiovascular health. Solutions include doing more exercise. Learn about the effects of a sedentary lifestyle here.

from Healthmix

How do you use vaginal suppositories?

People can use vaginal suppositories for reasons ranging from birth control to treatment for infection. Vaginal suppositories are simple to insert, as the step-by-step guide and tips in this article explain. We also look at the different types of vaginal suppositories, and when people may benefit from their use.

from Healthmix

MIND/BODY FITNESS - Following a Program VS #IntuitiveFitness

This is a long one, so I won't make you read a ton below here.

In this video I talk a little bit about my history finding the connection in my mind, body and spirit, and I explain the reasons why I now:



This might sound CRAZY to you right now, but hear me out, because once you master the basics (in my program coming soon) you'll be able to do the same thing.

When I ditched the schedules, the routines, the programs and the "have to's", I started to enjoy my time on the mat.

I started thinking of it as a time for me to be creative, have fun, and train myself in a way that was encouraging, instead of being driven by dissatisfaction, expectation, comparison and outcomes.

I created Circle Master Fitness as a way to spread this idea of personalized, intuitive fitness, and together we can flip the traditional concept of fitness on it's head!!

As always, thanks for watching!!

....and reading!!


What causes lactation when not pregnant or breastfeeding?

Women usually begin lactating after giving birth or sometimes during pregnancy. However, some women and men may produce a milky discharge from the nipples without being pregnant or breastfeeding. Doctors call this condition galactorrhea. In this article, learn about the possible causes of lactating when not pregnant.

from Healthmix

What causes lactation when not pregnant or breastfeeding?

Women usually begin lactating after giving birth or sometimes during pregnancy. However, some women and men may produce a milky discharge from the nipples without being pregnant or breastfeeding. Doctors call this condition galactorrhea. In this article, learn about the possible causes of lactating when not pregnant.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Texas nurse fired after allegedly posting about toddler's measles diagnosis on anti-vax page

Texas nurse fired after allegedly posting about toddler's measles diagnosis on anti-vax page

A nurse in Texas was fired after she allegedly posted to an anti-vaccination Facebook page about a young patient who may have the measles, officials with the Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston said this week.


How exercise affects metabolic hormones

A new study reveals that endurance training, such as cycling, impacts 'metabolic signaling molecules' differently to resistance training with weights.

from Healthmix

Ketamine for depression may contribute to opioid dependence

A new study warns that ketamine works almost like an opioid, and it raises concerns that the drug may do more harm than good in the long run.

from Healthmix

Ketamine for depression may contribute to opioid dependence

A new study warns that ketamine works almost like an opioid, and it raises concerns that the drug may do more harm than good in the long run.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Salmonella outbreak linked to kosher chicken sickens 17, kills 1, CDC says

Salmonella outbreak linked to kosher chicken sickens 17, kills 1, CDC says

At least 17 people were sickened and one person has died as a result of eating chicken that was possibly contaminated with Salmonella bacteria, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said Wednesday.


Dairy and meat 'beneficial for heart health and longevity'

What does a modern, international diet that keeps your heart healthy look like? A new study investigates, and it draws some controversial conclusions.

from Healthmix

What to know about MRSA in children

MRSA is a potentially serious bacterial infection. Children and toddlers can pick up MRSA from other kids, usually when the bacteria enter a cut or scrape. In this article, learn how to identify a MRSA infection in a child, what to do next, and how to prevent the infection from spreading.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Man has his arm amputated after sushi dish leads to flesh-rotting ulcers

Man has his arm amputated after sushi dish leads to flesh-rotting ulcers

A 71-year-old South Korean man developed large blisters and a fever as a result of a bacterial infection caught from eating raw seafood in a sushi dish. 25 days after eating the meal, the man had to have his left hand and forearm amputated to stop the spread of rotting tissue.


FOX NEWS: Son who donated kidney to his police chief dad becomes cop

Son who donated kidney to his police chief dad becomes cop

The son of Chicago’s police chief has been sworn-in as a rookie officer, a year after donating a kidney to his dad.


FOX NEWS: British mom dies after 'Brazilian butt lift' procedure in Turkey, reports say

British mom dies after 'Brazilian butt lift' procedure in Turkey, reports say

A British mother of three died shortly after she underwent a “Brazilian butt lift” procedure in Turkey, reports said Wednesday.


FOX NEWS: Man loses left arm after contracting flesh-eating bacteria infection from sushi

Man loses left arm after contracting flesh-eating bacteria infection from sushi

A 71-year-old man in South Korea had his left forearm amputated after he developed a fever and excruciating pain in his hand hours after eating raw fish.


FOX NEWS: FDA approving drugs at a record pace

FDA approving drugs at a record pace

FDA is approving prescription drugs at a record pace in a push to increase competition and lower costs. Garrett Tenney reports.


What are the benefits of pistachios?

Pistachios are nuts that offer numerous health benefits. These benefits include eye health, gut health, and high protein content that may be beneficial for dieting. They are also full of antioxidants and good for blood sugar balance. Learn more about the health benefits of pistachios, and some common myths, here.

from Healthmix

Is it possible to get pregnant while on birth control?

Although some forms of birth control are nearly 100 percent effective, they can fail sometimes. In this article, we explain why different types of birth control fail and discuss the percentage of women who get pregnant while using birth control. We also cover the early symptoms of pregnancy and when to see a doctor.

from Healthmix

Is it possible to get pregnant while on birth control?

Although some forms of birth control are nearly 100 percent effective, they can fail sometimes. In this article, we explain why different types of birth control fail and discuss the percentage of women who get pregnant while using birth control. We also cover the early symptoms of pregnancy and when to see a doctor.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Botched procedure by woman accused of posing as dentist allegedly sent patient to hospital

Botched procedure by woman accused of posing as dentist allegedly sent patient to hospital

A Georgia woman who was arrested last week stands accused for a second time of operating on patients and performing dental procedures without actually having a license to practice.


FOX NEWS: Cargill recalls 25,000 pounds of possibly contaminated beef

Cargill recalls 25,000 pounds of possibly contaminated beef

A Cargill Meat Solutions plant in Colorado is recalling more than 25,000 pounds (11,300 kg) of ground beef that could be contaminated with E. Coli, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said.


Newly discovered skull channels play role in immunity

Newly discovered channels in the skull allow injured brain tissue to communicate directly with the bone marrow, regulating the release of immune cells.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: West Nile virus victim's family calls for more mosquito control

West Nile virus victim's family calls for more mosquito control

The grieving family of a Tennessee veteran is calling for more awareness and more preventative measures in their county after their father tested positive for West Nile virus before his death.


FOX NEWS: Study: Cheese and red meat are good for your heart

Study: Cheese and red meat are good for your heart

Researchers say eating both regularly can decrease the risk of an early death by 25 percent.


Primary breast cancer can 'shut down its own spread'

Groundbreaking research finds that primary breast cancers can stop their own spread. The findings may help prevent metastasis by 'freezing' tumors.

from Healthmix

S.T.D. Diagnoses Reach Record 2.3 Million New Cases in U.S.


Can you miss a period and not be pregnant?

A missed period is often one of the first signs of pregnancy, but there are a variety of other reasons why a person might not menstruate. Learn which lifestyle factors and medical conditions can be responsible for a person’s missed period when a pregnancy test is negative. We also cover false negative test results.

from Healthmix

Can you miss a period and not be pregnant?

A missed period is often one of the first signs of pregnancy, but there are a variety of other reasons why a person might not menstruate. Learn which lifestyle factors and medical conditions can be responsible for a person’s missed period when a pregnancy test is negative. We also cover false negative test results.

from Healthmix

Can you miss a period and not be pregnant?

A missed period is often one of the first signs of pregnancy, but there are a variety of other reasons why a person might not menstruate. Learn which lifestyle factors and medical conditions can be responsible for a person’s missed period when a pregnancy test is negative. We also cover false negative test results.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: California mom bitten by 'kissing bug' warns others about danger of 'silent killer' parasitic disease

California mom bitten by 'kissing bug' warns others about danger of 'silent killer' parasitic disease

When Lynn Kaufer Hodson was bitten by a triatomine, also known as a "kissing bug," she couldn't even feel it. It wasn't until a large, itchy lump appeared on her neck the next day that she realized some type of pest had sucked her blood.


FOX NEWS: Shocking LGBT suicide rates: Emotional story explains why

Shocking LGBT suicide rates: Emotional story explains why

Statistics show the LGBT community faces issues of suicide at a higher rate than the general population. Advocates speak out to let the community know there is hope


Dairy consumption guidelines 'should be revised'

Apart from milk, dairy foods likely protect against premature death from all causes and from cerebrovascular causes, according to newly presented research.

from Healthmix

Dairy consumption guidelines 'should be revised'

Apart from milk, dairy foods likely protect against premature death from all causes and from cerebrovascular causes, according to newly presented research.

from Healthmix

Distress boosts heart attack and stroke risk

Experiencing high levels of psychological distress has an important impact on a person's risk of heart attack and stroke, new research warns.

from Healthmix

Distress boosts heart attack and stroke risk

Experiencing high levels of psychological distress has an important impact on a person's risk of heart attack and stroke, new research warns.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: STDs hit all-time highs in US for fourth straight year, CDC reports

STDs hit all-time highs in US for fourth straight year, CDC reports

Sexually-transmitted diseases continue to hit all-time highs in the U.S. with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting a 10 percent spike for chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in 2017.


Forehead wrinkles — an early sign of cardiovascular disease?

According to new research, deep wrinkles in one's forehead could signal the onset of atherosclerosis, which is the hardening of the arteries.

from Healthmix

What to know about complex PTSD

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder can develop when a person has experienced prolonged or repeated trauma. It can cause additional symptoms, as well as those of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Here, learn more about complex PTSD, including the causes, symptoms, and treatments.

from Healthmix

What to know about complex PTSD

Complex post-traumatic stress disorder can develop when a person has experienced prolonged or repeated trauma. It can cause additional symptoms, as well as those of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Here, learn more about complex PTSD, including the causes, symptoms, and treatments.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Long Beach Fire Department investigating after several members treated for overdose at wedding, report says

Long Beach Fire Department investigating after several members treated for overdose at wedding, report says

Several members of the Long Beach Fire Department reportedly had to be revived with the opioid antidote Narcan after overdosing at an after-hours post-wedding party Sunday.


FOX NEWS: Toddler left partially paralyzed after freak accident

Toddler left partially paralyzed after freak accident

Two year-old Jaclyn Derks, a Canadian toddler, is recovering after a freak accident involving a water glass left her partially paralyzed on her left side. Jaclyn was allegedly building a fort with her 5-year-old sister at their grandparents' house when she fell into the glass.


FOX NEWS: Parents of baby misdiagnosed with terminal brain condition in utero left fate 'in God's hands'

Parents of baby misdiagnosed with terminal brain condition in utero left fate 'in God's hands'

An Iowa couple who welcomed their first child in July had been preparing to say goodbye to him since about halfway through their pregnancy.


Tips for dealing with rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) flares come and go in waves. When an RA flare occurs, people can use a range of methods, including medications and lifestyle changes, to help manage the symptoms of inflammation. Symptoms include joint pain and stiffness. In this article, we look at effective ways of dealing with RA flares.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Children's Advil bubble gum flavor recalled due to overdose concerns

Children's Advil bubble gum flavor recalled due to overdose concerns

Heads up, parents: Children’s Advil Suspension Bubble Gum flavor has been voluntarily recalled due to overdose concerns.


FOX NEWS: Hilinski family won't shun football after QB son's suicide

Hilinski family won't shun football after QB son's suicide

Mark and Kym Hilinski keenly remember the swirl of activity.


FOX NEWS: Girl, 2, left partially paralyzed after freak accident with drinking glass

Girl, 2, left partially paralyzed after freak accident with drinking glass

A Canadian toddler is recovering after a freak accident involving a water glass left her partially paralyzed on her left side.


Dogs: Our best friends in sickness and in health

Dogs really are a person's best friend — not least because they impact both our physical and our mental health. In this Spotlight, we explain why and how.

from Healthmix

What are the effects of bulimia on the body?

Bulimia is an eating disorder that involves bingeing and purging. It can affect a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health. The side effects, which include tooth decay, digestive issues, and arrhythmia, may become severe without treatment. Here, learn about the signs of bulimia and its effects on the body.

from Healthmix

What can cause spots on the tongue?

There are many tiny spots or bumps on the tongue that people need for taste and sensation. But spots on the tongue that are unusual in size or appearance could be the sign of a health issue. Causes of unusual spots include lie bumps, burns, canker sores, infections, and oral cancer. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: How a hangover affects your brain the next day

How a hangover affects your brain the next day

We all know we shouldn't drink and drive.


Health and wellness tips! Part 1

Breast-Feeding Mothers Should Avoid Marijuana, Pediatricians Say

By AMIE TSANG from NYT Health

How Much Alcohol Is Safe? None, Say These Researchers


FOX NEWS: North Dakota woman dies from hantavirus after possible contact with rodent droppings

North Dakota woman dies from hantavirus after possible contact with rodent droppings

A North Dakota woman has died from hantavirus after possibly coming into contact with rodent droppings or urine.


FOX NEWS: Scientists discover a sixth species of Ebola virus — in bats

Scientists discover a sixth species of Ebola virus — in bats

Scientists have discovered a previously unknown species of Ebola virus, called Bombali virus, that's carried by at least two species of bats in Sierra Leone.


China Has Withheld Samples of a Dangerous Flu Virus


FOX NEWS: Girl, 4, needs surgery after trampoline park accident, parents say

Girl, 4, needs surgery after trampoline park accident, parents say

A 4-year-old girl in Canada is the latest victim to suffer serious injuries while jumping around at a trampoline park.


High blood pressure? Turn up your thermostat

The temperature of your house might influence your blood pressure. A new report suggests that cooler houses may worsen hypertension.

from Healthmix

Dogs: Our best friends in sickness and in health

Dogs really are a person's best friend — not least because they impact both our physical and our mental health. In this Spotlight, we explain why and how.

from Healthmix

Signs and causes of leaking amniotic fluid

Many women experience an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy or find that they leak urine at times. However, a clear and odorless fluid coming from the vagina could be leaking amniotic fluid. In this article, learn the signs of leaking amniotic fluid, as well as the possible causes and when to call a doctor.

from Healthmix

Signs and causes of leaking amniotic fluid

Many women experience an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy or find that they leak urine at times. However, a clear and odorless fluid coming from the vagina could be leaking amniotic fluid. In this article, learn the signs of leaking amniotic fluid, as well as the possible causes and when to call a doctor.

from Healthmix

What to avoid during pregnancy

Pregnant women can continue with many of their prepregnancy activities. However, to maintain the health of the developing fetus, there are some things that it is essential to avoid. In this article, learn about the things not to do while pregnant, including which foods, substances, medicines, and activities to avoid.

from Healthmix

The 'safest level of drinking is none,' says alcohol study

A study of alcohol use and its effects on health in 195 countries during 1990–2016 concludes that 'there is no safe level' of consumption.

from Healthmix

How can shingles affect the eyes?

Shingles is a common infection that can affect every part of the body, including the eyes. Shingles can cause vision problems, drooping of the eyelid, and, in some cases, vision loss. Here, we examine the effects of shingles on the eye. We also describe tips for prevention and the available treatment options.

from Healthmix

Can you start the birth control pill midcycle?

The birth control pill is a very safe and effective method of contraception when taken correctly. However, many people wonder whether if it okay to start taking the pill in the middle of their menstrual cycle. Here, we examine the benefits, risks, and side effects of starting the pill midcycle.

from Healthmix

Can you start the birth control pill midcycle?

The birth control pill is a very safe and effective method of contraception when taken correctly. However, many people wonder whether if it okay to start taking the pill in the middle of their menstrual cycle. Here, we examine the benefits, risks, and side effects of starting the pill midcycle.

from Healthmix

Is it safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding?

Women who regularly use marijuana may wonder if it is safe to use while breastfeeding. The body processes marijuana slowly and stores it in fat, meaning that some of the chemicals may be present in breast milk. Learn about whether it is safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding, as well as about the possible risks.

from Healthmix

Is it safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding?

Women who regularly use marijuana may wonder if it is safe to use while breastfeeding. The body processes marijuana slowly and stores it in fat, meaning that some of the chemicals may be present in breast milk. Learn about whether it is safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding, as well as about the possible risks.

from Healthmix

Is it safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding?

Women who regularly use marijuana may wonder if it is safe to use while breastfeeding. The body processes marijuana slowly and stores it in fat, meaning that some of the chemicals may be present in breast milk. Learn about whether it is safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding, as well as about the possible risks.

from Healthmix

Is it safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding?

Women who regularly use marijuana may wonder if it is safe to use while breastfeeding. The body processes marijuana slowly and stores it in fat, meaning that some of the chemicals may be present in breast milk. Learn about whether it is safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding, as well as about the possible risks.

from Healthmix

Cannabis and some conditions hasten brain aging

A study of blood flow in 128 brain regions in 30,000 people aged 0–105 years has identified behaviors and disorders that speed up brain aging.

from Healthmix

What are the effects of bulimia on the body?

Bulimia is an eating disorder that involves bingeing and purging. It can affect a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health. The side effects, which include tooth decay, digestive issues, and arrhythmia, may become severe without treatment. Here, learn about the signs of bulimia and its effects on the body.

from Healthmix

Foods to eat and avoid while breastfeeding

People who are breastfeeding should aim for a healthful, well-balanced diet. Some foods are better than others for providing nutrients, and there are certain foods that it is wise to avoid. Learn which foods to eat and avoid when breastfeeding. We also cover nutrition, supplements, and meal preparation strategies.

from Healthmix

Foods to eat and avoid while breastfeeding

People who are breastfeeding should aim for a healthful, well-balanced diet. Some foods are better than others for providing nutrients, and there are certain foods that it is wise to avoid. Learn which foods to eat and avoid when breastfeeding. We also cover nutrition, supplements, and meal preparation strategies.

from Healthmix

Better heart health may mean lower dementia risk in older people

A French study of older adults found that having more modifiable cardiovascular health measures at 'optimal levels' was tied to lower risk of dementia.

from Healthmix

Should you pump or breastfeed?

Breastfeeding and pumping are different ways a person can give milk to a baby. There are pros and cons to both, with feeding straight from the breast offering comfort to the baby, but some people believing the control and convenience of using pumped breast milk to be helpful and time-saving. Learn about both here.

from Healthmix

Should you pump or breastfeed?

Breastfeeding and pumping are different ways a person can give milk to a baby. There are pros and cons to both, with feeding straight from the breast offering comfort to the baby, but some people believing the control and convenience of using pumped breast milk to be helpful and time-saving. Learn about both here.

from Healthmix

When will labor start if you are 1-centimeter dilated?

When labor begins, the cervix dilates, widening up to 10 centimeters (cm) over time. However, dilating to 1 cm does not always mean that labor will begin soon. In this article, we describe what dilating to 1 cm can signal. We also look into other possible signs of labor and when to contact a doctor.

from Healthmix

When will labor start if you are 1-centimeter dilated?

When labor begins, the cervix dilates, widening up to 10 centimeters (cm) over time. However, dilating to 1 cm does not always mean that labor will begin soon. In this article, we describe what dilating to 1 cm can signal. We also look into other possible signs of labor and when to contact a doctor.

from Healthmix

What can cause spots on the tongue?

There are many tiny spots or bumps on the tongue that people need for taste and sensation. But spots on the tongue that are unusual in size or appearance could be the sign of a health issue. Causes of unusual spots include lie bumps, burns, canker sores, infections, and oral cancer. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

How to stop spotting on the pill

Many people have some spotting, or breakthrough bleeding, when they start taking the birth control pill. The body can take up to 6 months to adjust to the new hormones. If spotting continues after 6 months, it is best to talk to a doctor to rule out underlying conditions and discuss alternative birth control options.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Teen chooses homeschooling to help paralyzed mom diagnosed with 2 cancers

Teen chooses homeschooling to help paralyzed mom diagnosed with 2 cancers

A Michigan teen will forgo attending her junior year of high school with friends and instead be homeschooled so that she can help take care of her paralyzed mother, who was recently diagnosed with two different types of breast cancer.


FOX NEWS: Cancer survivor left crippled by treatment undergoes life-saving surgery

Cancer survivor left crippled by treatment undergoes life-saving surgery

A Georgia woman who beat cancer only to have the harsh side effects of radiation leave her stooped over and struggling to breathe has made remarkable strides in her recovery just three months after a life-saving, nine-hour surgery.


FOX NEWS: Surgery helps badly stooped breast cancer survivor look straight again

Surgery helps badly stooped breast cancer survivor look straight again

Mary Ann Rivers from Georgia beat cancer but the harsh side effects from radiation left her stooped over and struggling to breathe, a condition known as “chin-on-chest” deformity. Today, she has made remarkable strides in her recovery just three months after a life-saving, nine-hour surgery to correct her condition.


FOX NEWS: Can using weed killer give you cancer?

Can using weed killer give you cancer?

A jury verdict ordering Monsanto to pay $289 million to a school groundskeeper is raising some concerns about the household use of products such as Roundup.


FOX NEWS: Study warns against marijuana use while breastfeeding

Study warns against marijuana use while breastfeeding

A new study says that THC can be present in the breast milk of women up to six days after they use marijuana. Researchers believe the THC can disrupt brain development and potentially cause harm.


FOX NEWS: Marijuana detected in mother's breastmilk days after pot use, study finds

Marijuana detected in mother's breastmilk days after pot use, study finds

Marijuana's main mind-altering ingredient was detected in nursing mothers' breast milk in a small study that comes amid evidence that more U.S. women are using pot during pregnancy and afterward.


FOX NEWS: Marijuana and pregnancy: 5 key takeaways from the new official guidelines

Marijuana and pregnancy: 5 key takeaways from the new official guidelines

More than half of Americans support the legalization of marijuana, but questions remain about how the drug affects our health.


Did Juul Lure Teenagers and Get ‘Customers for Life’?


'Good' cholesterol: How much is too much?

According to new research, after a certain point, ‘good’ cholesterol becomes bad for you, raising the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular death.

from Healthmix

'Good' cholesterol: How much is too much?

According to new research, after a certain point, ‘good’ cholesterol becomes bad for you, raising the risk of heart attack and cardiovascular death.

from Healthmix

Fitness Over 60 | Elliptical 1 hr 46 minutes | Service Tech at the House

It’s been a few weeks since I have posted a video of my fitness journey. Lots has been happening that has precluded me from making videos. That is not to say I have no been working out. I have had swimming sessions, gym sessions and some elliptical sessions in these many days.

Because I had a service technician scheduled to be at my house today, and I did not know the exact hour, I stayed home and used the elliptical machine. I was on the machine when the tech arrived so I continued my workout until he left. It was the longest workout I have done on that machine, 1 hour 46 minutes.

Hey! I created a new team on an app called Charity Miles. They have sponsors who pay 10 cents per mile for cycling and 25 cents per mile for walking or running to the charity you select. I selected Wounded Warrior Project. My team is @Christians_Care. We now have 18 members on our team and have donated over 3000 miles. I invite you to join me.

I give my YouTube vlogs the main title of "Fitness Over 60." It is my goal to build a community of like minded riders whose purpose is to get and stay active and fit into their senior years. At 60, I see myself as just entering those years. I am not as fit as I would like to be, but neither am I trying to become a superstar athlete. I am becoming more fit all the time with:

-Regular cycling,

-Frequent resistance training and

-Ketogenic/Intermittent Fast eating

are the main elements to my fitness plan.

I’m getting cash back rebates from my online orders from BSP - Rewards Online Shopping Mall. I shop everything from Walmart to my local Tractor Supply Store. I have received more than $1325 back in my bank from online purchases I would have made these purchases anyway.

Check it out at out our church website at, to sermons I have preached at out the books I have written at my author spotlight on author Page for I do not endorse or agree with everything I hear on the podcasts I make reference to.

Dogs: Our best friends in sickness and in health

Dogs really are a person's best friend — not least because they impact both our physical and our mental health. In this Spotlight, we explain why and how.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: High school football player collapses during Mississippi game, then dies

High school football player collapses during Mississippi game, then dies

A community in Mississippi is in mourning after a high school football player collapsed then died at a game on Friday.


FOX NEWS: Glioblastoma, which killed McCain, is 'complex' and 'aggressive' disease, brain tumor group says

Glioblastoma, which killed McCain, is 'complex' and 'aggressive' disease, brain tumor group says

U.S. Sen. John McCain’s death from glioblastoma on Saturday at age 81 brought new attention to a disease that affects nearly 700,000 Americans.


FOX NEWS: Dr. Manny Alvarez on McCain's aggressive glioblastoma

Dr. Manny Alvarez on McCain's aggressive glioblastoma

John McCain's family says the senator has surpassed expectations for his survival; Dr. Manny Alvarez shares insight about the type of brain tumor McCain has been battling.


FOX NEWS: Neurosurgeon on McCain's decision to discontinue treatment

Neurosurgeon on McCain's decision to discontinue treatment

Senator John McCain chooses to discontinue medical treatment for brain cancer; Dr. Jeffrey Brown weighs in on 'Fox & Friends.'


What is Yoga? Wild Geese Fitness Training

What is Yoga? Wild Geese Fitness Training

The word “yoga” essentially means, “that which brings you to reality”. Literally, it means “union.”

Yoga refers to union not as an idea, a philosophy or as a concept that you imbibe.

Yoga is an ancient physical and spiritual discipline and branch of philosophy that originated in India reportedly more than 5,000 years ago.

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit word yuj, which means to yoke, join, or unite. The Iyengar school of yoga defines yuj as the "joining or integrating of all aspects of the individual - body with mind and mind with soul - to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life." The ultimate aim of yoga, they claim, is to reach kaivalya (emancipation or ultimate freedom).

Yoga focuses on the mind by teaching you to concentrate on specific parts of the body. For instance, you may be asked by the instructor to focus deeply on your spine, or let your mind go and have your body sink into the floor.

Yoga uses controlled breathing as a way to merge the mind, body, and spirit.

Music by: Jalandhar by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Signs and causes of leaking amniotic fluid

Many women experience an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy or find that they leak urine at times. However, a clear and odorless fluid coming from the vagina could be leaking amniotic fluid. In this article, learn the signs of leaking amniotic fluid, as well as the possible causes and when to call a doctor.

from Healthmix

Signs and causes of leaking amniotic fluid

Many women experience an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy or find that they leak urine at times. However, a clear and odorless fluid coming from the vagina could be leaking amniotic fluid. In this article, learn the signs of leaking amniotic fluid, as well as the possible causes and when to call a doctor.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Blood-sucking 'kissing bugs' spreading dangerous parasitic disease in US, health officials warn

Blood-sucking 'kissing bugs' spreading dangerous parasitic disease in US, health officials warn

Insects known as triatomines, also known as "kissing bugs," are becoming more common in the U.S. — but don't let their seemingly affectionate nickname fool you.


What to avoid during pregnancy

Pregnant women can continue with many of their prepregnancy activities. However, to maintain the health of the developing fetus, there are some things that it is essential to avoid. In this article, learn about the things not to do while pregnant, including which foods, substances, medicines, and activities to avoid.

from Healthmix

The 'safest level of drinking is none,' says alcohol study

A study of alcohol use and its effects on health in 195 countries during 1990–2016 concludes that 'there is no safe level' of consumption.

from Healthmix

Big Tobacco’s Global Reach on Social Media


FOX NEWS: Will baby poop bacteria become the new probiotic?

Will baby poop bacteria become the new probiotic?

Could the key to better gut health reside in a probiotic cocktail brewed from the contents of an infant's dirty diaper?


How can shingles affect the eyes?

Shingles is a common infection that can affect every part of the body, including the eyes. Shingles can cause vision problems, drooping of the eyelid, and, in some cases, vision loss. Here, we examine the effects of shingles on the eye. We also describe tips for prevention and the available treatment options.

from Healthmix

Can you start the birth control pill midcycle?

The birth control pill is a very safe and effective method of contraception when taken correctly. However, many people wonder whether if it okay to start taking the pill in the middle of their menstrual cycle. Here, we examine the benefits, risks, and side effects of starting the pill midcycle.

from Healthmix

Can you start the birth control pill midcycle?

The birth control pill is a very safe and effective method of contraception when taken correctly. However, many people wonder whether if it okay to start taking the pill in the middle of their menstrual cycle. Here, we examine the benefits, risks, and side effects of starting the pill midcycle.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Woman claims sucking balloon air left her paralyzed

Woman claims sucking balloon air left her paralyzed

A 24-year-old woman in the U.K. is warning others about the potential dangers of sucking on balloons for a high after she claims she’s been left paralyzed.


FOX NEWS: Boy with autism will likely get to keep therapy ducks, report says

Boy with autism will likely get to keep therapy ducks, report says

The Michigan boy with autism who is at the center of a heated debate involving his therapy ducks will likely get to keep his emotional support animals.


FOX NEWS: There's no 'safe' level of alcohol consumption, global study finds

There's no 'safe' level of alcohol consumption, global study finds

Drinking alcohol in moderation is more harmful than previously thought, according to a new study that concludes there's no "safe" level of alcohol consumption.


FOX NEWS: Firms stop kid-friendly packaged e-cigarette liquids sales after FDA push

Firms stop kid-friendly packaged e-cigarette liquids sales after FDA push

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said on Thursday that all 17 companies that were warned by the regulator have stopped marketing e-cigarette liquids packaged similar to child-friendly products such as juice boxes, candy or cookies.


After Watching This You Will Never Throw Away Pineapple Peels - Health Tips For You

After Watching This You Will Never Throw Away Pineapple Peels - Health Tips For You

Subscribe to Health Tips For You : us on Twitter: us on Google+: #healthtips, #healthvideos, #lifestyletips

Which foods lower blood sugar?

Eating a varied, nutritious diet is beneficial for everyone, but is especially important for people with diabetes. In this article, learn which foods can help keep blood sugar levels in check, including oatmeal, cold-water fish, whole wheat bread, legumes, and sweet potatoes.

from Healthmix

Which foods lower blood sugar?

Eating a varied, nutritious diet is beneficial for everyone, but is especially important for people with diabetes. In this article, learn which foods can help keep blood sugar levels in check, including oatmeal, cold-water fish, whole wheat bread, legumes, and sweet potatoes.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Texas middle school football player, 13, dies after medical emergency during practice

Texas middle school football player, 13, dies after medical emergency during practice

A Texas middle school football player died Wednesday after experiencing a medical emergency during practice, school officials said.


Is it safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding?

Women who regularly use marijuana may wonder if it is safe to use while breastfeeding. The body processes marijuana slowly and stores it in fat, meaning that some of the chemicals may be present in breast milk. Learn about whether it is safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding, as well as about the possible risks.

from Healthmix

Is it safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding?

Women who regularly use marijuana may wonder if it is safe to use while breastfeeding. The body processes marijuana slowly and stores it in fat, meaning that some of the chemicals may be present in breast milk. Learn about whether it is safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding, as well as about the possible risks.

from Healthmix

Is it safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding?

Women who regularly use marijuana may wonder if it is safe to use while breastfeeding. The body processes marijuana slowly and stores it in fat, meaning that some of the chemicals may be present in breast milk. Learn about whether it is safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding, as well as about the possible risks.

from Healthmix

Is it safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding?

Women who regularly use marijuana may wonder if it is safe to use while breastfeeding. The body processes marijuana slowly and stores it in fat, meaning that some of the chemicals may be present in breast milk. Learn about whether it is safe to use marijuana while breastfeeding, as well as about the possible risks.

from Healthmix

Cannabis and some conditions hasten brain aging

A study of blood flow in 128 brain regions in 30,000 people aged 0–105 years has identified behaviors and disorders that speed up brain aging.

from Healthmix

Russian Trolls Used Vaccine Debate to Sow Discord, Study Finds

By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. from NYT Health

Purveyors of Juice-Box Style, Nicotine-Filled E-Liquids Quit Selling the Products


FOX NEWS: Texas mom spreads warning after toddler dies napping in car seat

Texas mom spreads warning after toddler dies napping in car seat

Three years ago, Lisa Smith got a call from her babysitter that every parent fears: something was wrong with her toddler — she wasn't waking up.


FOX NEWS: 'American Ninja Warrior' athlete with Parkinson's turns obstacles into relief

'American Ninja Warrior' athlete with Parkinson's turns obstacles into relief

A Parkinson’s diagnosis was not part of the plan for 27-year-old Jimmy Choi.


FOX NEWS: How athlete with Parkinson's became American Ninja Warrior

How athlete with Parkinson's became American Ninja Warrior

A look at Parkinson's disease and how one man fought depression and the disease and became a marathoner, mud runner, and American Ninja Warrior


What are the effects of bulimia on the body?

Bulimia is an eating disorder that involves bingeing and purging. It can affect a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health. The side effects, which include tooth decay, digestive issues, and arrhythmia, may become severe without treatment. Here, learn about the signs of bulimia and its effects on the body.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: 32 children's medicines recalled over contamination

32 children's medicines recalled over contamination

The maker of children’s medicines has issued a voluntary recall for over two dozen of its products over a “microbial contamination” that could result in life-threatening infections.


FOX NEWS: Dallas Cowboys center Travis Frederick battling autoimmune disease

Dallas Cowboys center Travis Frederick battling autoimmune disease

Dallas Cowboys offensive lineman Travis Frederick announced Wednesday he has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and his return to the gridiron is uncertain.


FOX NEWS: Family sickened from eating wild 'vomiter' mushrooms

Family sickened from eating wild 'vomiter' mushrooms

Members of a family in northern Virginia fell ill and needed hospital attention after eating a meal containing wild mushrooms picked near their apartment complex.


FOX NEWS: Dad wrongly diagnosed with terminal cancer sues doctors

Dad wrongly diagnosed with terminal cancer sues doctors

A Missouri man who was allegedly told he had terminal cancer is suing his three doctors after a specialist determined he was actually suffering from a treatable inflammatory disease.


FOX NEWS: Dallas Cowboys center Travis Frederick battling auto-immune disease

Dallas Cowboys center Travis Frederick battling auto-immune disease

Dallas Cowboys offensive lineman Travis Frederick announced Wednesday he has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre Syndrome and his return to the gridiron is uncertain.


FOX NEWS: Texas man bitten by shark has flesh-eating bacteria related to attack

Texas man bitten by shark has flesh-eating bacteria related to attack

A man who was bitten by a shark while swimming at a Texas beach earlier this month said he’s now being treated for flesh-eating bacteria related to the shark bite.


FOX NEWS: States with most serious cases of West Nile virus this year

States with most serious cases of West Nile virus this year

Louisiana and Mississippi are leading the nation in the number of people who have become the most seriously ill from West Nile virus this year.


Foods to eat and avoid while breastfeeding

People who are breastfeeding should aim for a healthful, well-balanced diet. Some foods are better than others for providing nutrients, and there are certain foods that it is wise to avoid. Learn which foods to eat and avoid when breastfeeding. We also cover nutrition, supplements, and meal preparation strategies.

from Healthmix

Foods to eat and avoid while breastfeeding

People who are breastfeeding should aim for a healthful, well-balanced diet. Some foods are better than others for providing nutrients, and there are certain foods that it is wise to avoid. Learn which foods to eat and avoid when breastfeeding. We also cover nutrition, supplements, and meal preparation strategies.

from Healthmix

Should you pump or breastfeed?

Breastfeeding and pumping are different ways a person can give milk to a baby. There are pros and cons to both, with feeding straight from the breast offering comfort to the baby, but some people believing the control and convenience of using pumped breast milk to be helpful and time-saving. Learn about both here.

from Healthmix

Should you pump or breastfeed?

Breastfeeding and pumping are different ways a person can give milk to a baby. There are pros and cons to both, with feeding straight from the breast offering comfort to the baby, but some people believing the control and convenience of using pumped breast milk to be helpful and time-saving. Learn about both here.

from Healthmix

When will labor start if you are 1-centimeter dilated?

When labor begins, the cervix dilates, widening up to 10 centimeters (cm) over time. However, dilating to 1 cm does not always mean that labor will begin soon. In this article, we describe what dilating to 1 cm can signal. We also look into other possible signs of labor and when to contact a doctor.

from Healthmix

When will labor start if you are 1-centimeter dilated?

When labor begins, the cervix dilates, widening up to 10 centimeters (cm) over time. However, dilating to 1 cm does not always mean that labor will begin soon. In this article, we describe what dilating to 1 cm can signal. We also look into other possible signs of labor and when to contact a doctor.

from Healthmix

How to stop spotting on the pill

Many people have some spotting, or breakthrough bleeding, when they start taking the birth control pill. The body can take up to 6 months to adjust to the new hormones. If spotting continues after 6 months, it is best to talk to a doctor to rule out underlying conditions and discuss alternative birth control options.

from Healthmix

What are the pros and cons of breastfeeding?

Most health organizations advocate breastfeeding and, with the right support, many women find that they can breastfeed successfully. However, it can also be challenging. Learn about the pros and cons of breastfeeding, including the health benefits, costs, and the effects on mental health and parenting workload.

from Healthmix

What are the pros and cons of breastfeeding?

Most health organizations advocate breastfeeding and, with the right support, many women find that they can breastfeed successfully. However, it can also be challenging. Learn about the pros and cons of breastfeeding, including the health benefits, costs, and the effects on mental health and parenting workload.

from Healthmix

What are the pros and cons of breastfeeding?

Most health organizations advocate breastfeeding and, with the right support, many women find that they can breastfeed successfully. However, it can also be challenging. Learn about the pros and cons of breastfeeding, including the health benefits, costs, and the effects on mental health and parenting workload.

from Healthmix

How can people speed up dilation?

When the cervix dilates to a certain extent, this is one sign that a baby is ready to be born. Dilation is usually gradual, and there are many ways to encourage it, including sexual stimulation, laughing, and using an exercise ball. In this article, learn how to promote dilation before and during labor.

from Healthmix

How can people speed up dilation?

When the cervix dilates to a certain extent, this is one sign that a baby is ready to be born. Dilation is usually gradual, and there are many ways to encourage it, including sexual stimulation, laughing, and using an exercise ball. In this article, learn how to promote dilation before and during labor.

from Healthmix

Can a person get pregnant while taking the pill?

Birth control pills are generally very effective when a person takes them correctly and consistently. However, some things can reduce the pill’s effectiveness and increase the risk of unintended pregnancy, including missing pill days, vomiting, and taking certain medications. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

Can a person get pregnant while taking the pill?

Birth control pills are generally very effective when a person takes them correctly and consistently. However, some things can reduce the pill’s effectiveness and increase the risk of unintended pregnancy, including missing pill days, vomiting, and taking certain medications. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

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Foods to eat and avoid while breastfeeding

People who are breastfeeding should aim for a healthful, well-balanced diet. Some foods are better than others for providing nutrients, and there are certain foods that it is wise to avoid. Learn which foods to eat and avoid when breastfeeding. We also cover nutrition, supplements, and meal preparation strategies.

from Healthmix

Foods to eat and avoid while breastfeeding

People who are breastfeeding should aim for a healthful, well-balanced diet. Some foods are better than others for providing nutrients, and there are certain foods that it is wise to avoid. Learn which foods to eat and avoid when breastfeeding. We also cover nutrition, supplements, and meal preparation strategies.

from Healthmix

Immunotherapy Drugs Slow Skin Cancer That Has Spread to the Brain


Better heart health may mean lower dementia risk in older people

A French study of older adults found that having more modifiable cardiovascular health measures at 'optimal levels' was tied to lower risk of dementia.

from Healthmix

Should you pump or breastfeed?

Breastfeeding and pumping are different ways a person can give milk to a baby. There are pros and cons to both, with feeding straight from the breast offering comfort to the baby, but some people believing the control and convenience of using pumped breast milk to be helpful and time-saving. Learn about both here.

from Healthmix

Should you pump or breastfeed?

Breastfeeding and pumping are different ways a person can give milk to a baby. There are pros and cons to both, with feeding straight from the breast offering comfort to the baby, but some people believing the control and convenience of using pumped breast milk to be helpful and time-saving. Learn about both here.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Family sues Dum Dum lollipop maker over son's alleged choking incident

Family sues Dum Dum lollipop maker over son's alleged choking incident

A Pennsylvania family is suing a popular candy company after they claim that their son nearly choked to death while sucking on a defective lollipop.


When will labor start if you are 1-centimeter dilated?

When labor begins, the cervix dilates, widening up to 10 centimeters (cm) over time. However, dilating to 1 cm does not always mean that labor will begin soon. In this article, we describe what dilating to 1 cm can signal. We also look into other possible signs of labor and when to contact a doctor.

from Healthmix

When will labor start if you are 1-centimeter dilated?

When labor begins, the cervix dilates, widening up to 10 centimeters (cm) over time. However, dilating to 1 cm does not always mean that labor will begin soon. In this article, we describe what dilating to 1 cm can signal. We also look into other possible signs of labor and when to contact a doctor.

from Healthmix

What can cause spots on the tongue?

There are many tiny spots or bumps on the tongue that people need for taste and sensation. But spots on the tongue that are unusual in size or appearance could be the sign of a health issue. Causes of unusual spots include lie bumps, burns, canker sores, infections, and oral cancer. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

How to stop spotting on the pill

Many people have some spotting, or breakthrough bleeding, when they start taking the birth control pill. The body can take up to 6 months to adjust to the new hormones. If spotting continues after 6 months, it is best to talk to a doctor to rule out underlying conditions and discuss alternative birth control options.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Pregnant Venezuelan women going to Brazil to give birth

Pregnant Venezuelan women going to Brazil to give birth

Expecting Venezuelan women are leaving their country due to lack of prenatal care, medicine and diapers and giving birth across the border in Brazil, where three Venezuelan babies are born every day.


FOX NEWS: 'Flesh-eating' STD allegedly reported in England

'Flesh-eating' STD allegedly reported in England

A rare sexually transmitted disease that causes flesh-eating ulcers on patients’ genitalia has popped up in England, the Lancashire Post reported.


FOX NEWS: Man who severed hand in meat grinder won't have it reattached, wife says

Man who severed hand in meat grinder won't have it reattached, wife says

The wife of a Jamestown man who severed a hand while making sausage in his garage believes the quick actions of emergency responders likely saved his life but says her husband will still lose the hand.


FOX NEWS: Constipated man nearly died after feces-filled bowel burst

Constipated man nearly died after feces-filled bowel burst

A man almost died after his bowel became so full with feces it burst and caused his organs to start shutting down.


FOX NEWS: Gut bacteria enzyme can transform a blood cell's type

Gut bacteria enzyme can transform a blood cell's type

The key to changing blood types may be in the gut.


Alcohol and heart health: Consistency may be key

A new study joins the long line of studies looking at heart disease and alcohol. The authors conclude that consistency might be the key to reducing risk.

from Healthmix

Alcohol and heart health: Consistency may be key

A new study joins the long line of studies looking at heart disease and alcohol. The authors conclude that consistency might be the key to reducing risk.

from Healthmix

Alcohol and heart health: Consistency may be key

A new study joins the long line of studies looking at heart disease and alcohol. The authors conclude that consistency might be the key to reducing risk.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Toxin at heart of drug recall shows holes in medical safety net

Toxin at heart of drug recall shows holes in medical safety net

A toxin inadvertently produced in the manufacture of a widely prescribed medicine but not spotted for years raises questions about regulators' ability to detect risks in a sprawling global drug supply chain increasingly reliant on factories in China.


FOX NEWS: Dr. Nicole Saphier's back-to-school medical checklist

Dr. Nicole Saphier's back-to-school medical checklist

How to keep your kids healthy from kindergarten to college.


Medical News Today: Essential stretches for warming up before a run

Stretching before a run can help improve performance and prevent injury by warming up the muscles, loosening joints, and increasing blood flow. It is best to do dynamic stretches before a run and static stretches afterward. Here, learn six essential dynamic stretches to do before a run.


Can you take Aleve and Tylenol together?

Aleve and Tylenol are over-the-counter brands of different pain medications. People frequently use them to treat mild complaints, such as headaches and sore throats. Aleve and Tylenol are safe to take together. However, alternating between the two is more likely to provide extended relief. Learn more here.

from Healthmix

What signs of breast cancer are there other than a lump?

A lump in the breast can be a sign of breast cancer, but other changes in the breast can also signify this condition. Other potential warning signs include texture changes, nipple discharge, and breast pain. Learn more about eight possible symptoms of breast cancer besides a lump, and when to see a doctor.

from Healthmix

What signs of breast cancer are there other than a lump?

A lump in the breast can be a sign of breast cancer, but other changes in the breast can also signify this condition. Other potential warning signs include texture changes, nipple discharge, and breast pain. Learn more about eight possible symptoms of breast cancer besides a lump, and when to see a doctor.

from Healthmix

Cancer: Deleting two molecules boosts immune response

New research finds that deleting two key molecules can help immune cells survive for longer and grow stronger in the fight against cancer and infections.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Consumer baby monitors may get vital signs wrong

Consumer baby monitors may get vital signs wrong

Two popular monitors that promise to keep parents informed about their babies' vital signs scored poorly in a test comparing them with actual hospital quality monitors, researchers say.


FOX NEWS: FDA extends EpiPen expiry date to combat shortage

FDA extends EpiPen expiry date to combat shortage

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday extended the expiration date of specific lots of Mylan NV's EpiPen allergy injectors by four months to mitigate the shortage of the life-saving treatment.


FOX NEWS: New cervical cancer screening guidelines: What you need to know

New cervical cancer screening guidelines: What you need to know

Some women have a new option for cervical cancer screening — and it doesn't necessarily involve a Pap test — according to updated guidelines from a government-appointed panel of experts.


FOX NEWS: Georgia dad's touching dance with 2-year-old daughter battling cancer goes viral

Georgia dad's touching dance with 2-year-old daughter battling cancer goes viral

The father of a young girl with leukemia shared a touching moment with the youngster -- with the results caught on camera.


FOX NEWS: Daughter loses 70 pounds to donate life-saving kidney to dad

Daughter loses 70 pounds to donate life-saving kidney to dad

An Atlanta woman on a 16-month life transformation has revealed that the true cause behind her 55-pound weight loss was her goal to become a kidney donor for her ailing father.


How to tell if it is a bruise or a blood clot

Bruises develop when capillaries burst after an impact, while blood clots occur when an injury damages blood vessels. Bruises tend to resolve themselves and often change color as they heal. Blood clots may require medication to dissolve and do not follow a set pattern of healing. Learn more about the differences here.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Trump administration takes action to combat EpiPen shortage

Trump administration takes action to combat EpiPen shortage

HHS Secretary Alex Azar on FDA decision to extend shelf life of certain lots of epinephrine auto-injectors.


FOX NEWS: What is the ‘fire challenge’?

What is the ‘fire challenge’?

The latest dangerous trend to hit the internet: The fire challenge, an internet trend in which people seemingly douse themselves in rubbing alcohol and set themselves on fire.


FOX NEWS: Pregnant women turning to pot for morning sickness, study finds

Pregnant women turning to pot for morning sickness, study finds

It's becoming more common for pregnant women to use pot in pregnancy, and a new study suggests one reason for the trend: Some pregnant women may be using marijuana to self-medicate symptoms of morning sickness.


FOX NEWS: Many doctors skip meningococcal vaccine talks with teens

Many doctors skip meningococcal vaccine talks with teens

Many pediatricians and family physicians don’t discuss the meningococcal B vaccine with teens even though these conversations are recommended to determine whether adolescents should get shots to protect against this lethal infection, a U.S. study suggests.


FOX NEWS: Pregnant New Zealand minister cycles to hospital to give birth

Pregnant New Zealand minister cycles to hospital to give birth

It was a beautiful morning, according to New Zealand's minister for women, so after 42 weeks of pregnancy she decided to hop on her electric bicycle and ride to the hospital to give birth to her first child.


High cholesterol early in life boosts heart disease risk

The findings of a new study suggest that cholesterol levels should be measured and kept in check much earlier in life so as to avoid cardiovascular harm.

from Healthmix

High cholesterol early in life boosts heart disease risk

The findings of a new study suggest that cholesterol levels should be measured and kept in check much earlier in life so as to avoid cardiovascular harm.

from Healthmix

10 Health Benefits of Peas

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You’re Getting Very Sleepy. (So Is Everyone Else.)


Elsa Fitness: STRONG by Zumba, Zumba Fitness, BODYSHRED

STRONG by Zumba classes:

Wednesdays at 6:30PM Youfit Margate

Thursdays at 6:00PM Youfit West Boca

BODYSHRED: Mondays 6:30PM Youfit Sunrise

ZUMBA Fitness:

Wednesdays 7:30PM Youfit Margate

Mondays 7:30PM Youfit Sunrise


Tuesdays 6:00PM Youfit West Boca

FOX NEWS: 'Fire challenge' leaves Michigan girl, 12, with severe burns over half her body

'Fire challenge' leaves Michigan girl, 12, with severe burns over half her body

A 12-year-old girl from Detroit, Michigan was hospitalized after she caught fire as part of what her mother called the "fire challenge."


What are the pros and cons of breastfeeding?

Most health organizations advocate breastfeeding and, with the right support, many women find that they can breastfeed successfully. However, it can also be challenging. Learn about the pros and cons of breastfeeding, including the health benefits, costs, and the effects on mental health and parenting workload.

from Healthmix

What are the pros and cons of breastfeeding?

Most health organizations advocate breastfeeding and, with the right support, many women find that they can breastfeed successfully. However, it can also be challenging. Learn about the pros and cons of breastfeeding, including the health benefits, costs, and the effects on mental health and parenting workload.

from Healthmix

What are the pros and cons of breastfeeding?

Most health organizations advocate breastfeeding and, with the right support, many women find that they can breastfeed successfully. However, it can also be challenging. Learn about the pros and cons of breastfeeding, including the health benefits, costs, and the effects on mental health and parenting workload.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Police officer praised for breastfeeding malnourished baby while on duty at hospital

Police officer praised for breastfeeding malnourished baby while on duty at hospital

The photo has gone viral.


FOX NEWS: Dying boy asks for racing stickers to cover casket

Dying boy asks for racing stickers to cover casket

An 11-year-old boy who is living his remaining days at home after his cancer treatment stopped working is on a mission to collect racing stickers for his casket.


Is it safe to mix acetaminophen and alcohol?

People take acetaminophen, also known as paracetamol or Tylenol, to treat pain and fever. In combination with alcohol, this drug can cause side effects, such as stomach upset, or severely damage the liver. In this article, we outline the risks of combining acetaminophen and alcohol and give tips on how to stay safe.

from Healthmix

FOX NEWS: Iron lung keeping woman alive for decades now one of last remaining in US

Iron lung keeping woman alive for decades now one of last remaining in US

For over 35 years, a Missouri woman has enlisted her husband and a kind friend to help her go through the hour-long process of climbing into what is believed to be one of the last remaining iron lungs still functioning today.


FOX NEWS: Polio survivor uses one of only three ‘iron lungs’ still be in use

Polio survivor uses one of only three ‘iron lungs’ still be in use

82-year-old polio survivor Mona Randolph uses one of only three “iron lungs” known to still be in use in the U.S. The iron lung, which was invented in 1920s, was often used on polio patients who were unable to breathe after the virus paralyzed muscle groups in the chest. Six nights a week, Randolph sleeps up to her neck in a noisy, airtight, 75-year-old iron tube.


FOX NEWS: Family of girl declared tumor-free after kiss from pope donates $50G to Philadelphia hospital

Family of girl declared tumor-free after kiss from pope donates $50G to Philadelphia hospital

The family of a Philadelphia girl who was declared tumor-free three years after receiving a kiss from the pope has donated $50,000 to the hospital that helped save her.


FOX NEWS: What is hand, foot and mouth disease?

What is hand, foot and mouth disease?

After multiple football players contracted hand, foot and mouth disease, West Virginia University had to postpone its popular fan appreciation day.


FOX NEWS: Boca Raton issues rabies alert after bat tests positive

Boca Raton issues rabies alert after bat tests positive

A rabies alert has been issued in a Florida city after a bat tested positive for the dangerous disease.


The Secret to Keeping Black Men Healthy? Maybe Black Doctors

By GINA KOLATA from NYT Health

FOX NEWS: Colorado boy, 4, battling stage-four cancer, celebrates end of chemo as honorary police officer

Colorado boy, 4, battling stage-four cancer, celebrates end of chemo as honorary police officer

Surrounded by cheering family and friends, 4-year-old honorary Colorado Springs Police Officer Joshua Salmoiraghi finished his last round of chemotherapy Sunday.


FOX NEWS: Baby boom ahead? Arizona hospital has 16 pregnant nurses

Baby boom ahead? Arizona hospital has 16 pregnant nurses

Americans spend so much time working together in their day-to-day lives that coworkers become family, and now at this Arizona hospital, 16 nurses are together making a next generation of family.





In this video I show you guys how you can make your hair as full, thick and healthy as possible using coconut oil. This is seriously a game changer for any guy looking to make his hair healthier and stronger. In this video I show you how to apply a coconut oil mask to make your hair thicker and fuller. Like and share this video if you find it helpful! This video is about how to get full thick healthy hair with coconut oil. These are some essential hair tips for men.

Also, if you aren't already, SUBSCRIBE!

Thanks for watching!

FOX NEWS: Trump admin proposes production quota cuts for six opioids

Trump admin proposes production quota cuts for six opioids

The Trump administration is proposing production quota cuts for six frequently abused opioids; Darryl St. George, who lost a brother to opioid addiction, reacts.


MENTAL HEALTH & FITNESS | decided to open up

Opening up about my past experiences/mental health and how fitness helped me grow into the person I am today.

Hopefully this video helps you in some way ... next video I’ll be talking more about depression (stay tuned!)



FOX NEWS: NYU offers full scholarships to medical students

NYU offers full scholarships to medical students

Is NYU's scholarship program the right solution to the doctor shortage on the horizon? Dr. Marc Siegel weighs in.


In San Francisco, Opioid Addiction Treatment Offered on the Streets


This E.R. Treats Opioid Addiction on Demand. That’s Very Rare


The biggest lie in the fitness industry.

In this video I talk about the biggest lie the fitness industry will tell you, and 4 tips to beat the bullshit.

How can people speed up dilation?

When the cervix dilates to a certain extent, this is one sign that a baby is ready to be born. Dilation is usually gradual, and there are many ways to encourage it, including sexual stimulation, laughing, and using an exercise ball. In this article, learn how to promote dilation before and during labor.

from Healthmix

How can people speed up dilation?

When the cervix dilates to a certain extent, this is one sign that a baby is ready to be born. Dilation is usually gradual, and there are many ways to encourage it, including sexual stimulation, laughing, and using an exercise ball. In this article, learn how to promote dilation before and during labor.

from Healthmix

Can you drink coffee while breastfeeding?

While many people avoid caffeine during pregnancy, they may wonder if it is safe to drink coffee again while breastfeeding. For most people, it is safe to consume a moderate amount of coffee while breastfeeding. In this article, we look at the risks and benefits of caffeine consumption for people who are breastfeeding.

from Healthmix

Lean Belly